Laboratoire Huckert’S International SPRL

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Detergent – Pre-disinfectant – Class IIb medical device – Step 1: Cleaning & pre-disinfection .

No need for enzyme or alkaline products to ensure sparkling instruments. UMONIUM38® STERILY firstly eliminates dirt, does not leave any yellow-brown deposits on the shafts of clamps and deep-cleans instruments by soaking in an ultrasonic bath and/or by manual brushing. Safe for the operator, it protects the operator from the risk of contamination. The solution is non-hazardous in the event of splashes, noncorrosive, biodegradable and does not contain any toxic vapours or substances that may bind proteins.
Equipment is left sparkling and drains are cleared of sticky waste. Formula without any CMR or endocrine disrupting substance.

Concentrated solution to be diluted to 0.5% for manual application (soaking + brushing) or in an ultrasonic bath.

CAPACITY : 1L of concentrate makes up 200L of diluted solution (0.5%).

PACKAGING : 1L and 5L.

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