VoiceWorks is a system to make a perio status. Through a wireless headset the measurements can be passed on to the system. These are directly transformed into a clear, visual document. VoiceWorks works very easy and quickly. Because of that, it costs little time and energy to do a complete pocket-or-perio status, including pocket depths, recessions, bleeding, furcations and mobility). This will make the barrier for recording a status a lot lower.
This has a positive impact on the patient and treatment (monitoring). A big advantage is in the communication to the patient: the patient gets direct feedback from the computer what the values are and the computer exports a clear document for the patient. The document can be printed or e-mailed and used to discuss treatment with the patient. With a next visit, the changes are made visible.
With VoiceWorks you can work more hygienically and save time/costs, because the keyboard will not be touched and an assistant is no longer necessary.
Are you curious how VoiceWorks works in practice? Visit our stand to see it in action!